Conversion Table
Common units of Temperature
1 centigrade or Celsius degree = 1.8 Fahrenheit degree
Temperature, Kelvin = T°C + 273.15
Temperature, Fahrenheit = 9/5 °C +32
Temperature, centigrade or Celsius = 5/9 (°F-32)
- Other Conversion Table
- Concentrations
- Common Units of Mass & Weight
- Common Units of Length
- Common Units of Volume
- Common Units of Pressure
- Common Units of Energy
- Gas Constant
- Transmittance to Absorbance Conversion
- Particle size Conversion
Common units of Temperature
1 centigrade or Celsius degree = 1.8 Fahrenheit degree
Temperature, Kelvin = T°C + 273.15
Temperature, Fahrenheit = 9/5 °C +32
Temperature, centigrade or Celsius = 5/9 (°F-32)